
An Evening with Burton Silverman

6:00 pm
June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024
Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery

Harvey Dinnerstein, Self-Portrait with Burton Silverman 1987 (detail), Oil on canvas.

Burton Silverman was Harvey Dinnerstein’s friend for 80 years. In this talk, he will tell the necessarily brief story of the unspoken mutual respect and affection as it was echoed in the portraits they painted of each other, the exhibitions they shared, and the similar themes they explored. In doing so, he will show some of Dinnerstein’s paintings and reveal a surprising illustration career.

In the 1860s Degas wrote to Whistler citing the “road from Holland” — Dutch realism from 16th century — that was an important part of their training. They broke with that tradition to produce unique and revolutionary work of their own. Drawing similarities between the realists of today and the turn of the century, Silverman will discuss Dinnerstein's painterly journey as a progressive traditionalist whose work has added to the great trove of humanist art.

Featured Speakers

Burton Silverman

Burton Silverman has exhibited in galleries and museums since 1956. He has had 34 solo shows that include retrospective museum exhibitions at the Butler Institute of American Art, the Brigham Young Museum of Art, The Lyme Academy of Art, the Hofstra University Museum of Art, the Delaware Art Museum, and the Salmagundi Club in Oct 2023.


His paintings are represented in 34 public collections, including the Brooklyn Museum, the Butler Institute of American Art, the Denver Art  Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the National Museum of American Art, and the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery.

He has recently been acknowledged for his commissioned portraits with Gold Medals from the Portrait Society of America and the Artists Fellowship and an honorary Doctorate from the Academy Art College.


He has taught at the School of Visual Arts, George Washington University, The Academy of Art University, the National Academy of Design, and the Art Students League. He has lectured in university Graduate Art programs and museums across the country.

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An Evening with Burton Silverman

June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024
6:00 pm
7:00 pm