
Max Ginsburg on Realist Painting Today

12:00 pm
September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023
Phyllis Harriman Mason Gallery, 2nd Fl

Max Ginsburg, Bus Stop.

Max Ginsburg has been teaching art for 60 years, exhibiting his artwork since 1953. Ginsburg, who is a League Instructor, will speak about his influences, inspirations, and the struggles he encountered as he developed as a realist painter.

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Max Ginsburg

Max Ginsburg has been teaching art for 60 years. His paintings are in many museums and private collections including The Butler Institute of American Art, The New Britain Museum, The Washington County Museum of Fine Art, The Society of Illustrators Museum, The Art Renewal Center Collection, The Salmagundi Club, The Hospital Workers Union 1199, and other public institutions. From 1980-2004, he painted illustrations commissioned by the major publishing companies.

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Max Ginsburg on Realist Painting Today

September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023
12:00 pm
1:00 pm