
Hettie Judah on How Not to Exclude Artist Parents

6:00 pm
March 8, 2023
March 8, 2023
The Art Students League of New York

Cover of How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers (and other parents); image of Hettie Judah.

For too long, artists have been told that they cannot have both motherhood and a successful career. This International Women’s Day, art critic and writer Hettie Judah discusses her new book How Not to Exclude Artist Mothers (and other parents) (Lund Humphries, September 2022), which argues that in making small changes and becoming more sensitive to the needs of artist parents, the art world has much to gain.

In this polemical volume, Judah notes that a paradigm shift is needed within the art world to take account of the needs of artist mothers (and other parents: artist fathers, parents who do not identify with the term mother, and those in other sectors of the art world). Drawing on interviews with artists internationally, the book highlights some of the success stories that offer models for the future.

Judah will be joined in conversation with Sara Raza, curator and writer.

Featured Speakers

Hettie Judah

Hettie Judah is a London-based art critic and writer who has spent many years researching and campaigning on the subject of art and motherhood. Her most recent books include Art London (2019), Frida Kahlo (2020), Caroline Walker: Janet (2020) and Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones (2023). She is currently working on a book and Hayward Touring exhibition On Art and Motherhood to launch in 2024.

Sara Raza

Sara Raza is a New York-based specialist in global art and visual cultures and the author of Punk Orientalism: The Art of Rebellion (Black Dog Press, London 2022). She is a Red Burns Fellow at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program and teaches in their Masters’ program.

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Hettie Judah on How Not to Exclude Artist Parents

March 8, 2023
March 8, 2023
6:00 pm
7:00 pm