Artist Spotlight

Shifting Gears by Marcie Bronkar

An interview with Marcie Bronkar about her solo exhibition at Prince Street Gallery.

November 14, 2023
Marcie Bronkar
Marcie Bronkar, Summer in the City
Marcie Bronkar
Marcie Bronkar, 2023

In Retrospect consists of a body of work I created over the last decade that explores three directions of composition and paint handling. Although I will always be a textile designer, it marks my decided shift towards a complete commitment and focus as a painter.

Marcie Bronkar, Summer in the City, diptych, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 60 in.

How do these two pursuits differ?

As a textile designer, I have never second-guessed my decisions. I prepare, organize, research, and study historical documentation and trends while shopping the market constantly. I take the work seriously but never personally. This is a career where your livelihood is directly tied to clients’ preferences.

In 2020, I began painting full-time at home. During long stretches of unstructured time during quarantine, I experimented, mixing the formations of my palettes prior to painting. I am passionate about values, cast, and formulations and began to delve into the dynamic play of colors together, moving them around on my palette. I could mix colors forever.

Marcie Bronkar, Polonaise, 2021, acrylic on linen, 30 x 30 in.

I feel this show of my paintings represents a personal revelation—and a kind of public exposure, too. It is risky to present work that has been developed privately and held close for so long.

As a painter I work very much in the moment. I plan, think, dream ahead of what I want to accomplish before I enter the studio, yet the process remains very open-ended. I react to the colors, layers, and shapes that appear before me, almost as if they have a life and volition of their own. I become just a spectator or observer of my materials and medium. I find that every color holds their load in the composition. My work has always been an extension of how I view the things around me – the negative and positive space; the play of forms moving and resting against light.

I realize I could never had such a long career in the commercial world if I was not already grounded by my fine art awareness, passions, and convictions. This current scope of work has, in a sense, been in progress all of my life.